Hon Aloysius Amwano
HE Hon Sprent Dabwido
Hon Landon Deireragea
Hon Marcus Stephen
Hon Godfrey Thoma
On 14 April 2011 Parliament passed a motion to establish a Select Committee on Land Issues.
The Select Committee has been given wide terms of reference to inquire into and report to Parliament on a broad range of issues relating to land.
The purpose of the Committee is to gather information, background material and public opinion on certain land issues as the first step in a broad review of land issues and land laws.
In conducting its inquiry, the Committee must examine the following matters:
- the system of land ownership in Nauru, including inheritance of land and fragmentation of land portions;
- the system of administration of land matters in Nauru including the handling, storage and preservation of land records, decision-making in respect of land matters, handling of land disputes (including whether a special land court should be established) and recording of decisions and other information in respect of land ownership;
- the Lands Act 1976 and all others laws relating to land issues in Nauru so as to clearly ascertain the current state of land laws in Nauru;
- the classification, zoning and uses of land in Nauru and derivation of income from land;
access to land for indigenous landless Nauruans; - perceived problems with or shortcomings of any of the matters listed in paragraphs (a) to (e);
- the views of the community in relation to the matters listed in paragraphs (a) to (e), and in relation to any other land issues of concern to the community;
- any other matter that the Committee deems necessary or relevant to enable it to complete its Report on land issues.
The Committee is required to report to Parliament by 30 March 2013.