This role covers a wide range of responsibilities including Police rapid response, basic investigations, search and rescue, crown control and traffic operations.
Our Police Officers respond to a variety of calls for service that can range from a visitor in need of directions, a medical emergency or a serious instance of alleged criminal activity.
“Our Patrol services are now comprised of six patrol shifts. These shifts are staffed 24/7, 365 days a year by one Police supervisor, and a maximum of nine uniformed Police Officers.
“Patrols are performed using vehicles, bicycles, motorcycles, and on foot to cover all the Republic’s roads and property.
“The pandemic has meant the introduction of adaptations to how we carry out our business; how we serve our clients and execute arrests. Nevertheless, we continue and we succeed – because of the varied nature of crime, Police operations must be adaptable and flexible.”
“I am proud to say that for the last festive year 2020-2021, Nauru Police Force recorded ZERO road fatalities, and the LOWEST ever road accidents on record. This excellent result is down to the outstanding collaboration of your Police Force and the Community that we serve.
“We ask that, with the public’s help, this record remain for this year, and continue for many years to come.”
Operations performs community and corporate engagement, attending public spaces and workplaces to educate on public nuisance offences, road rules and safety, drug and alcohol consumption and the law.
In addition, Operations arranges escort and patrols for community events such as each week during the football season, the recent Tour de Nauru cycling race, after-school and school holiday programs escorts, Miss Nauru and other annual events around the nation – wherever you are, Nauru Police force Operations Unit is there to support you and keep you and your event safe.