Hansard - a record of what is said in Parliament

Hansard – a record of what is said in Parliament


The chamber of Parliament.


Hansard is the record of what is said in Parliament. The proceedings are recorded and then transcribed.


The transcripts that are available on this site are in draft form and are subject to change. Consequently, they cannot be considered official.


As further transcripts become available they will be loaded to this site.

8 November 2007

28 August 2007


20 July 2007

20 June 2007

16 June 2007

5 June 2007

6 September 2006

7 February 2006


29 September 2004

22 June 2004

9 June 2004

1 June 2004


28 August 2001

14 June 2001

22 June 2000


11 December 1998

15 May 1998


25 June 1994

25 September 1993



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