All Bills before the 20th Parliament lapsed on 23 May 2013 when the 20th Parliament was dissolved.
Prior to dissolution, the following Bills (accessible on RONLAW) were before Parliament:
- Public Sector Bill 2012
- Constitution of Nauru (Nauruan Culture Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Speaker Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Executive Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Stability Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Finance Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Citizenship Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Judicature Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Accountability Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Resolution of Stalemate Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Special Powers Amendments) Bill 2013
- Constitution of Nauru (Leadership Code Amendments) Bill 2013
and the following Bills were on the Notice Paper for introduction on a later sitting day:
- Statute Law Revision Bill
- Legal Practitioners (Amendment) Bill
- Public Health Bill
- Leadership Code Bill
- Ombudsman Bill
- Ozone Depleting Substances Bill
- Equal Opportunity Bill
- Births, Deaths and Marriages (Amendment) Bill
- Adoption of Children (Amendment) Bill
- Maintenance (Amendment) Bill
- Matrimonial Causes (Amendment) Bill
- Guardianship of Children (Amendment) Bill
- Crimes Bill
- Nauru Fisheries and Marine Resources Authority (Amendment) Bill