Hon Aloysius Amwano
HE Hon Sprent Dabwido
Hon Freddie Pitcher
Hon Ludwig Scotty
Hon Marcus Stephen
Hon Godfrey Thoma
On 14 April 2011 Parliament passed a motion to establish a Select Committee on Electoral Boundaries.
In conducting its inquiry, the Committee must examine the following matters:
- the population in each existing constituency;
- the number of registered voters in each existing constituency;
- any perceived inequity in existing electoral boundaries;
- proposed alternatives for the review of electoral boundaries, including:
- the possibility of separating certain constituencies into separate constituencies for each district in order to create a more equitable and relevant division of electorates;
- the possibility in particular of the separation of the constituency of Anabar, Ijuw and Anibare into 3 separate constituencies, each with its own individual Member of Parliament;
- the possibility of the separation of the constituency of Ubenide into separate constituencies for each of the Districts within that constituency;
- the possibility of creating a new electorate to encompass the area containing the Location compound and the NPC settlement residents;
- submissions from the public;
- any other matter that the Committee deems necessary or relevant to enable it to complete its Report on electoral boundaries.