Parliamentary Committees

Standing Orders Committe


22nd Parliament

Hon Cyril Buramen MP (ex-officio as Speaker)

Hon Asterio Appi M.P (Deputy Speaker)

Hon Baron Waqa MP (H.E. the President, Leader of Government Business)

Hon Tawaki Kam MP

Hon Jaden Dogireiy MP


21st Parliament

Hon Ranin Akua MP (ex officio as Deputy Speaker)

Hon Valdon Dowiyogo MP

Hon Keiren Keke MP

Hon Ludwig Scotty MP (ex officio as Speaker)

Hon Baron Waqa (ex officio as Leader of Government Business)


20th Parliament

Hon David Adeang MP

Hon Mathew Batsiua MP

HE Hon Sprent Dabwido MP (ex officio as Leader of Government Business)

Hon Rykers Solomon MP
Hon Dominic Tabuna MP


The Standing Orders Committee is established by Standing Order 11.


Its functions are to consider whether the rules of procedure set out in Standing Orders serve the best interests of the House and its Members, and what amendments, if any, may be desirable; and to make reports and recommendations to the House.


The quorum of the Committee is 3 members and the Committee has power to act during a parliamentary recess.

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