About Bills and Acts

How can I make a submission on a Bill?


On the Bills – the laws proposed to be passed by Parliament page, you can find details of the Bills currently before Parliament, and  the Bills on notice (meaning they will be presented to Parliament in the near future).


In the case of Bills that are already before Parliament, you can download a copy of the Bill, together with its second reading speech and explanatory memorandum, from RONLAW.


If you wish to make a submission on a Bill, you can do so by emailing your submission to the Office of Parliamentary Counsel: [email protected] . Your submission will be forwarded to the Minister responsible for the Bill.


Sometimes government may actively seek public input on a proposed bill or draft bill before it is introduced to Parliament. In such cases, public meetings to discuss the draft or the proposal, and/or the closing date for written submissions on the draft or proposal, will be announced through the  media and on this website under ‘News & Events’, and details of the  proposed bill or draft bill will be made available through the same outlets.

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