About Parliament

How can I find out what is happening in Parliament?


The Parliament does not have a regular schedule of sittings, however Parliament generally sits for at least one day in every month, and usually more frequently.


Sitting dates can be found in News and Events.


The Bills currently before Parliament are listed on this website.


You can watch the proceedings of Parliament by sitting in the public gallery of Parliament House, which is open to the public during all Parliamentary sittings. The public gallery is attached to the Parliamentary Chamber and has a glass wall through which you can see into the Chamber.


You can also watch Parliamentary sittings live on NTV, or listen to Parliament on Radio Nauru.


The Hansard can be read to find out what was said in Parliament.


RONLAW includes the text of current and previous Bills before Parliament.


If you wish to access parliamentary documents that you cannot find on this website, or if you have any questions about Parliament that are not answered on this site, please contact us.

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