Honourable Ludwig Scotty MP resigned as Speaker of the Parliament on the morning of Thursday 18 April 2013 shortly after he adjourned the House until the ringing of the bells, having mentioned to the Parliament the President’s new advice for dissolution of Parliament.
Under Article 34(3)(e) of the Constitution the resignation of the Speaker became effective as soon as the letter of resignation was handed to the Clerk of Parliament.
Under Article 35(4) of the Constitution, if there is no person holding the office of Speaker, the powers and functions of the Speaker are to be exercised and performed by the Deputy Speaker.
Accordingly, on the afternoon of Thursday 18 April 2013 the Deputy Speaker rang the bells to continue the sitting of Parliament commenced that morning, but there was no quorum. The bells were rung again after a further break but because there was still no quorum, under Standing Order 28, Parliament stands adjourned until Tuesday 23 April 2013 at 10am.
The first item on the Notice Paper for the sitting on Tuesday will be the election of a Speaker and the second item will be the referral of the advice of the President to dissolve Parliament under Article 41(2) of the Constitution.