His Excellency President Lionel Aingimea
Thursday, 6 May 2021
With one day left for vaccination, His Excellency President Lionel Aingimea says 80 per cent of the adult population of Nauru have received their first dose of the COVID vaccine.
The President thanks all those that have taken the vaccine; and while he understands there is still hesitancy by some for religious or other reasons, appeals to everyone, to consider your health and for your loved ones, to get vaccinated, tomorrow, Friday 7 May.
All expats/foreigners are also urged to go and get vaccinated, regardless if you have identification documents or not.
First and foremost, you do not miss this opportunity for vaccination otherwise you will not be eligible to take the second dose in June-July.
You can provide copies of your identification after.
Some foreigners may not have identification documents such as passports or drivers’ licence, as they might have expired or lost or are with the authorities such as the immigration office or police.
This will not prevent you from getting vaccinated.
After vaccination, you can then go to where your identification is held and obtain a photocopy, which you should return to the hospital so a record of it is kept with the Ministry for Health for the purpose of your vaccination records.
Nauruans who have family or workers who are foreigners to please inform them about getting vaccinated – with or without an ID.
Friday 7 May, is the final day to get your first dose. Please don’t miss this opportunity.