
Department of ICT


The Government of Nauru has a large investment in computing resources and has encouraged the government departments to use these resources effectively to share information and knowledge in support of the government’s mission. The computer facilities are a shared system made available to promote atmosphere for the government, create a sense of commitment to the local and global community and assist in preparation for living in a complex technological society. The network infrastructure, access to the Internet and online resources, powerful servers, and an increasing number of personal computers are assets in which we may take pride. Their value increases the more we take advantage of them.


His Excellency The President is the Minister for ICT while Hon. Pyon Deiye is the Deputy Minister for ICT.




ICT Plan, investments, development and ICT’s daily operations align to Nauru Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS). ICT aligns its activities towards NSDS’s Priority Area 3: Infra Goal 5: which states to “provide universal and reliable access to internationally competitive communication services and an independent and commercially viable media”. However, ICT also provides all possible support to other government departments to ensure ICT can enable other departments to achieve their strategic goals.


ICT focuses on providing a reliable and resilient Internet & Network within reach to all government departments and offices, schools and health clinics. ICT is adapting the ITSM framework to improve its performance on service delivery, ensuring the response time to resolve issues are improved. ICT continuously upgrades its IT Infrastructure to ensure its critical services, including the Internet, Email ( & the website, is always available and secure. ICT department consist of twenty-six employees assigned to the four divisions which all contributes to the ICT goal.

  1. Administration,
  2. Line Technicians,
  3. Technicians & Trainees,
  4. Administrators.




To transform the lives of Nauru people, public servants and businesses in the public. sectors and state-owned enterprises through quality and integrated information technology.




  • To provision and support national and government telecommunications infrastructure to support high speed transfer of data securely.
  • To provide safe, secure and integrated information technology solution that aligns to the e-government strategy.
  • To provide technical support to all government departments relating to information technology.




  • improve our services,
  • enhance user satisfaction,
  • broaden the scope of product offerings, and
  • reach the desired vision of building e-governance through e-education and e-health,
  • Capacity building & Training,
  • Collaboration & Networking.




  • Integrity – Shall always be honest, responsible and accountable for actions.
  • Confidentiality – Shall treat all information accessed while providing support as confidential and shall not discuss or disclose with anyone.
  • Collaboration – Shall share all information necessary for group success, ask for help when need it, promote group success over individual accolades and willingness to work across organizational boundaries.
  • Relationships – Trust each other and be trustworthy. Respect each other, be empathetic, actively listen and help each other.
  • Service – Willingness to serve our users and find solution to the client’s problems instead of answers to their questions.




Position Name Email Address Phone Contact
Secretary for ICT Mr. Geoffrey Harris [email protected] +674 557 3096
Director for ICT +674 557 2915
Director for ICT Administration Ms. Nadia Ika [email protected] +674 557 9285
Manager IT Operations Mr. Muzzin Gadd [email protected] +674 557 3185
Manager Structured Cabling Mr. Christopher Gaubidi [email protected] +674 557 3085




Department of Information & Communications Technology (Department of ICT). Both of the Department is located at the ICT Center, Yaren District.


The Department of ICT is under the Ministry of Telecommunication. The Department of ICT is reponsible for all Government communications and Information Systems.




For any enquiries contact our friendly helpdesk staff at:

Phone: +674 557 3123

Email: [email protected]

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