The first sitting of the 21st Parliament was held on Tuesday 11 June 2013 after the general election of Members on Saturday 8 June 2013.
The Members of the 21st Parliament of Nauru are:
Hon Roland Kun MP Buada
Hon Shadlog Bernicke MP Buada
Hon Mathew Batsiua MP Boe
Hon Baron Waqa MP Boe
Hon Ludwig Scotty MP Anabar/Ijuw/Anibare
Hon Riddel Akua MP Anabar/Ijuw/Anibare
Hon Charmaine Scotty MP Yaren
Hon Dr Kieren Keke MP Yaren
Hon Milton Dube MP Aiwo
Hon Aaron Cook MP Aiwo
Hon Cyril Buraman MP Ewa/Anetan
Hon Marcus Stephen MP Ewa/Anetan
Hon Sprent Dabwido MP Meneng
Hon Tawaki Kam MP Meneng
Hon Squire Jeremiah MP Meneng
Hon David Adeang MP Ubenide
Hon Valdon Dowiyogo MP Ubenide
Hon Russ Kun MP Ubenide
Hon Ranin Akua MP Ubenide
At the first sitting of the 21st Parliament Members took the Oath of Parliament in the presence of Honourable Justice von Doussa QC, Justice of the Supreme Court, after which elections were held with the following results:
Speaker – Hon Ludwig Scotty MP
Deputy Speaker – Hon Ranin Akua MP
President – Hon Baron Waqa MP
The House was adjourned to Thursday 13 June 2013 at 10am.